What does 9170 feet get ya?
A lot less oxygen!!!!!!! We flew to Breckenridge, CO after driving stops in Austin, TX and Madison, AL. It was a lot of fun catching up with the kids and grandkids. Good food and good company is always welcome. Wow, Breckenridge is a sight to see - so much beauty! Here is the view from our condo window in the first days of our stay. The elevation of Breckenridge is 9600 feet...... that's 9170 feet higher than Dallas, TX. On the first day we might have overdone it walking two miles round trip to the grocery store and carrying a heavy load of groceries back to the condo. Donna felt some altitude sickness but feels much better now. Did you know that the oxygen in the air at sea level averages 21% while the oxygen at 9600 feet is only 14.5%? No wonder small tasks such as eating, talking, and casually walking can cause shortness of breath! Even our bags of chips experience the high elevation differently. Note the oximeter (checks ox...