We are chocolate!

As the saying goes, you are what you eat......well, guess that means we are indeed chocolate! We hit the after Christmas sales and scored about 16 pounds of chocolate at 75% off. Most of our purchase is shown below. There is only about one pound left....just kidding! We are rationing it to last through our stay here in DC. We saw a few more Christmas trees and poinsettias before they were taken down. It's hard to say goodbye to the holidays......Donna continues to sing carols nearly a month after Christmas. Einstein among the poinsettias Waldorf Astoria tree and harpist Outside shopping area tree Portrait gallery courtyard Even the fire department gets in the holiday spirit - look closely to spot the grinch and an elf. Our holiday cookies - yummy! Enjoyed a couple more free events at the Kennedy Center - The Peace and Carol Ringers and the Spizzwinks (Yale undergrad a cappella choir). We visited the Portrait and American Art Gallery to see it's newest portrait....