As the saying goes, you are what you eat......well, guess that means we are indeed chocolate! We hit the after Christmas sales and scored about 16 pounds of chocolate at 75% off. Most of our purchase is shown below. There is only about one pound left....just kidding! We are rationing it to last through our stay here in DC.
We saw a few more Christmas trees and poinsettias before they were taken down. It's hard to say goodbye to the holidays......Donna continues to sing carols nearly a month after Christmas.
Einstein among the poinsettias
Waldorf Astoria tree and harpist
Outside shopping area tree
Portrait gallery courtyard
Even the fire department gets in the holiday spirit - look closely to spot the grinch and an elf.
Our holiday cookies - yummy!
Enjoyed a couple more free events at the Kennedy Center - The Peace and Carol Ringers and the Spizzwinks (Yale undergrad a cappella choir).
We visited the Portrait and American Art Gallery to see it's newest portrait. She's famous enough that we don't need to identify her.
Here are a couple of other interesting pieces we saw.

We continue to find new sightseeing opportunities, even in our third winter here We rode the elevator to the top floor of the Old Post Office Clock Tower to see the view of the city. The Clock Tower is located within the Waldorf Astoria Hotel (formerly known as the Trump International Hotel). The hotel is required to grant visitors access to the tower. As a matter of fact, the tower is run by the National Park Service. The Waldorf leases the Old Post Office (third tallest building in DC), which is owned by the federal government and run by the GSA. The views from the tower were terrific.

We attended another high profile trial - former President Trump's appeal for immunity. We stood in line (outside and inside) for more than three hours and were part of the last few allowed into the courtroom. It was quite interesting. Even though the line standing was tedious, we had a good time meeting people. We chatted with reporters like Charlie Savage of the NY Times, prominent people like George Conway, and law students wanting to see how the appeals court operates. Here's a Where's Waldo (aka Donna) challenge - can you spot her in the line?
DC has been snowy this past week - two storms of about 3-4 inches each. We enjoyed spending time outside - wandering around town .....
On our trek, we spotted one of the new Tesla trucks - Don thinks it looks weird and is not a fan.
Walking to the White House - making a snowperson like we did in 2022
Making a snow angel (Don didn't want to get cold and wet - what a chicken!)
Donna ventured out early one morning while Don was still snoozing.
We spotted this car one day while walking the city - If anyone can identify what is on the top, we'll send you a DC souvenir!!
We'll leave you with our typical food photo. Upon the suggestion of Andy Kroll of ProPublica, we partook in the tasty sandwiches from SUNdeVICH. We got them to go and ate in the Portrait Gallery courtyard (Christmas photo above).
Hope everyone is staying healthy during these winter months!
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