Enjoying our time in Madison AL with Kalen and Amber

Had a great time in Madison, AL with our son Kalen and daughter-in-law Amber!  We do miss yardwork, so we twisted their arms to let us help demo a bunch of gnarly vines that had taken over an electrical transformer while Kalen built raised vegetable planters!

It wasn't all work..... donuts and ice cream were rewards for our hard work.  Harry and Hermione love donuts too!

Who knew that it is cheaper to buy four pints of flavor of the day frozen custard at Culver's than four individual bowls?!? We took advantage of that several times.   No pictures of the ice cream, we ate it too fast!

Crossed paths with Don's sister Debbie and her husband Jack while in Alabama.  It was great to see them even for such a short time.

It was hard to leave Madison.  On to the next stop - Alexandria, VA to see our daughter Alexa.


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