90 +?? What?

No 90+ isn't our age though we do feel that old sometimes after walking miles and miles.  90+ refers to how many waterfalls are in the Columbia River Gorge east of Portland.  We took a tour to the Gorge and Mt Hood and visited just three of the best known waterfalls.

Multnomah falls is 620 feet, one of the tallest in the country.  Falling rock is a common experience.  In 1995, a bus size piece of basalt fell from behind the waterfall into the pool.  Glad we weren't swimming at the time! (No swimming allowed.)

LaTourell Falls

Horsetail Falls
This rest stop has some of the best views in the Gorge.  Its construction in 1917 went way over budget upsetting some Oregonians who called it a very expensive outhouse.

If you look closely, there is a person in this photo.  The trail did look a little precipitous!

Mt Hood - the Pacific Coast Trail crosses the mountain

Walking on the mountain

Timberline Lodge is at 6000 feet elevation.  It would be a beautiful place to stay - inside and out. Average snow depth is 21 feet at the Lodge.

Fruit stand stop - had to buy apples and peaches.  Best peaches we've had in a long time.
We'll end with our typical beer photo taken in the town of Hood River during a break on the tour.

Less than two weeks until our return to our family and long lost car in Alabama.  Stay tuned for one more post from Portland.


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