We felt air and spacy!

There are two Smithsonian Air and Space museums in DC.  Most people hit the one located on the National Mall.  The one near Dulles Airport is phenomenal because of its sheer size and number of planes and space vehicles.

The one located on the National Mall is currently being remodeled.  Though only the remodeled half is open, it's still a sight to see.  We actually went twice this year (and twice last year when we were staying in DC).

Planets interactive exhibit

The building is large enough to hang many planes from the ceiling.
Space capsule
Apollo 11 command module with flotation devices for water landing upon descent to Earth
Doesn't this space food and drink look appetizing?

Interactive hang glider exhibit - less dangerous than the real thing
We took the Metro that just opened its expansion to Dulles Airport to visit the Udvar-Hazy Space Museum.  Our first inclination each time we visit here is to open our mouths wide and say WOW, this place is HUGE!!!!

Planes hang everywhere!  So many that it amazes the senses!

Space shuttle

The Concorde

We also visited the Native American Museum.

We're leaving in a week.  Stay tuned for one more blog post.


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